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Sharehold Structure

Techframe is a public limited company, whose shareholder structure is totally concentrated in its board of directors with executive responsibilities, which enables a close alignment between the management philosophy, the objectives of the actors involved and the investments channeled to the projects and services developed, always with a strong sense of social responsibility and the continued satisfaction of our customers and stakeholders.

Investment policy

The Investment Policy at Techframe comprises a set of guidelines and measures that guide the short, medium and long term management of areas and projects, both in the development phase and in their implementation. Thus, all investments are mainly made in the Research & Development areas, in the structure of qualified Human Resources, and in the acquisition of equipment and technical means, necessary for the growth of the company, without neglecting a close observation of the state of the art in the sectors in question. that we operate and the movement of our competitors, with a keen eye to possible investment operations that keep us at the forefront of our markets.

Financing Strategy

Techframe's major projects are assessed by a Financing Strategy, applied on a case-by-case basis, based on the use of equity, bank financing, the entry of large foreign investors or the use of national or European financing projects. Each project is evaluated in four aspects - i) technical and financial viability; ii) real and potential positioning, in the market in which it will operate; iii) capacity for internationalization and iv) satisfaction in carrying out - being approved if it reaches pre-established minimums in each aspect. This strategy enables a careful selection of Techframe's human and financial resources, in projects that are realistically more valuable to the organization, our employees, our customers and our shareholders.